Vidya Global School is a MYP Candidate School

Vidya Global School is a Candidate School* for the MYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Vidya Global School believes is important for our students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Inquiry led growth and Inclusive by design. Builds on attitudes and skills acquired in PYP and prepares student for the demanding requirements of IB Diploma Programme.

The IB Middle Years Programme builds on the structured, student-centred foundation laid in the Primary Years Programme in Primary School. Its framework encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real World.

All the subjects are criterion-related and have strong inter-disciplinary elements. This curriculum is approached through inquiry, developing what the students know into an exciting journey of knowing more, thus stimulating a student’s latent curiosity and honing the skills of research, expression, presentation and application. Students learn to share experiences and work in teams.

An exciting component is the Personal Project, an individual long-term project completed in Grade 10. It is the consolidation of learning in the MYP wherein students choose a topic of their interest which they wish to learn more about. They achieve it through systematic research and are assessed through a set criterion.


The Middle Years Programme, (MYP) (Grades 6 to 10)

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a five-year programme for students aged from 11 to 16. Students at this stage are in a critical phase of personal and intellectual development. This is a time of uncertainty, sensitivity, resistance and questioning. The International Baccalaureate has set up the Middle Years Programme to meet students` academic needs and also help students develop a personal value system to guide their own lives. The 3 fundamental concepts of MYP are holistic learning, intercultural awareness and communication. The MYP provides a holistic international programme of study designed to meet the educational requirements of students aged 11-16. It is a broad-based curriculum framework which encourages students to question, evaluate and to think critically and independently. The programme offers an education that is skill-based, challenging, creative and flexible and requires a great deal of discipline. It also fosters understanding among young people around the world. The programme involves a vigorous and thorough study of various disciplines, emphasizing interdisciplinary study. Concurrently, the MYP also respects the independence and integrity of each discipline as students prepare for further study in the various subjects.


The IB MYP curriculum requires mastery of eight subjects: The MYP curriculum requires mastery of eight subjects:

  • Language and Literature: As language and literature can be both a mirror and a magnifying glass, students at Lancers read novels, blogs, poetry and drama from a diverse range of authors, cultures, and genres while reflecting and focusing on aspects of our own identities and the world around them.

  • Language Acquisition: It is a compulsory component in every year of the MYP, except for bilingual students who pursue courses of study in multiple languages in the MYP language and literature subject group.

  • Individuals and Societies: The Individual and Societies classes encourage students to respect and understand multiple perspectives on historical and contemporary issues. The students in this class are more open-minded, curious and use an inquiry based approach.

  • Sciences: The aim of science classes is to develop students into scientifically and technologically literate members of society who form opinions on the bases of evidence and reason. The students are advised to take ethical actions by structured inquiry in the classroom.

  • Mathematics: The aim of teachers in this class is to help students gain a thorough understanding of key concepts in math and to be able to apply these concepts at the level of appropriate to their mathematical development and attitude.

  • Arts: The teachers in this class help students challenge perceptions and develop creative and analytical skills. The subject stimulates young imaginations through various disciplines offered in the MYP programme.

  • Design: The students in this class use design thinking skills by purposeful use of technology aiming to investigate problems, designing solutions and analyzing their work and the world around them.

  • Physical and Health Education: As health plays a significant role in the total development of students, the department empowers students to take care of their personal health by stimulating the mind, body and spirit.

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The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme has been given equivalence with grade 10 of an Indian Board Assessment by the Association of Indian Universities. Students having completed the MYP can apply for higher studies in any school or college in India. In January 2013, the Association of Indian Universities signed an agreement with the International Baccalaureate to equate the completion of the Middle Years Programme with grade 10 of an Indian board assessment. This agreement now allows students who complete the MYP to apply for admission for higher studies to any school in India.

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Other significant elements of the MYP are:

MYP Service as Action

The MYP Service as Action Programme requires the students from every grade to participate in C & S Activities. The school offers three kinds of opportunities: School initiated Service activity for each grade, MYP Unit Driven Service as Action in subjects and student self-initiated service activities.

Global Contexts

In our highly interconnected and rapidly changing world, IB MYP aims to develop international-mindedness through global contexts. The aim of the mentioned contexts is to enable explorations across the 8 subject areas.

  • Identities and relationships
  • Orientation in space and time
  • Personal & cultural expression
  • Scientific and technical innovation
  • Globalization and sustainability
  • Fairness and development

Approaches to Learning

Through approaches to learning (ATL) skills in the IB MYP, students develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum that help them "learn how to learn". ATL skills can be taught and improved with practice. Students develop their understanding of how they learn best; thus, developing a love for learning. The 5 sets of skills are:

  • Thinking skills
  • Social skills
  • Communication skills
  • Self-management skills
  • Research skills

The 5 categories of ATL skills mentioned above are the same across all MYP subjects; however, each subject has a set of specific skills to contribute to the holistic process of learning. Moreover, ATL skills provide a solid foundation for learning independently and with others. ATL skills provide a common language that students and teachers can use to articulate and reflect on the process of learning.

Each ATL skill category is elaborated below:

Thinking skills Social Skills Communication Skills Self-management Skills Research Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Transfer
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Affective Skills
  • Reflection
  • Information literacy
  • Media literacy

Through the Middle Years Programme (MYP) projects, students experience the responsibility of completing a significant piece of work over an extended period of time.

MYP projects encourage students to reflect on their learning and the outcomes of their work – key skills that prepare them for success in further study, the workplace and the community.

Students who complete the MYP in Year 3 or Year 4 complete the community project. All students who complete the MYP in Year 5 complete the personal project.

The community project provides an important opportunity for students ages 13-14 to collaborate and pursue service learning. Schools register all MYP Year 5 students for external moderation of the personal project, promoting a global standard of quality.

MYP projects are student-centred and age-appropriate, and they enable students to engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection.

The Personal Project

This is an independent piece of work intended as the culmination of the students studying in grade 10 or MYP Year 5. Students work with their supervisors to complete an individual and original piece of research. Students showcase their development of ATL skills, understanding of Global contexts and development of Learner Profile attributes through the Personal Project.

MYP e-assessments for students of grade 10 or MYP Year 5:

The IB MYP e-Assessment is an exciting development that offers the students a unique assessment of their learning in a truly 21st-century approach. This electronic assessment is a reliable, globally consistent and highly innovative assessment model that helps achieve greater student outcomes provides greater quality assurance and earns an internationally-recognized certificate.

E-Assessments are in two forms, some subjects have an on-screen exam and others have a submission of student-work through an ePortfolio. The e-assessments are clearly the way that assessments will be conducted in the 21st century and VGS is proud to be part of this exciting IB initiative.


  • It can help to build interests and talents of students.

  • It leads to students’ self-directed inquiry

  • It helps them to become independent learners

  • It builds approaches to learning skills (for self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration)

  • It develops, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project.

  • It further develops the IB’s mission statement that "encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners".

  • It helps to demonstrate responsible action of their learning It helps them to take pride for their accomplishments

  • It enables them to communicate effectively in a variety of situations.


Students who finish the MYP in year 3 or 4 must complete the MYP community project. MYP year 5 students must successfully complete the externally moderated personal project to be eligible for IB MYP course results and the IB MYP certificate. Students participating in MYP years 3, 4 and 5 may engage in both projects.

The IB MYP community project focuses on community and service, encouraging students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community.

The aims of the MYP Personal Project are to encourage and enable students to: participate in a sustained, self-directed inquiry within a global context, generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation. The MYP personal project is a student-centered and age-appropriate practical exploration in which students consolidate their learning throughout the programme. This long-term project is designed as an independent learning experience of approximately 25 hours. The personal project formally assesses students’ ATL skills.